In this user guide we will be learning how to register each CFC staff member as well as how to tie them to the individuals that receive CFC services.


If the staff already exists in the system, then click on “Staff” from the main menu bar “blue circle” and click on the “Edit” tab (red arrow) to the right of the staff member’s name.

When the window opens assign them “Cfc/Shl/Cs Contractor” from the Title menu bar (green arrow). If all other fields are satisfactorily save the changes (red arrow).


Perform this “Title” choice/change for all staff who will carry out CFC assignments.

Next, click on the “Consumers” tab from the main menu bar on the FSL home page. Then click on the name of a CFC consumer to open up their main chart page. Click on their “Edit Detail”
button (Red circle).

When the Edit window opens up choose Community First Choice from the “Program Type” (green arrow) menu bar. Scroll to the bottom of the window and save your change(s).

Once the consumer’s “Edit Detail” window spontaneously closes look in the consumer’s chart and you will see a new button just labeled “CFC/SHL/CS Logs” (blue circle) under the “Service Delivery Logs tab (red circle).

Under the “General Info” tab (pink circle). You can find the “CFC Staff Member” (orange circle) button to view the CFC staff member assigned to that consumer.


Click on the “CFC Staff Member” button and then click on “+Assign Staff” button located within the yellow header.

This will open up a window with a list of all staff who have had the title “Community First

Choice Contractor” chosen for them. You may now check of any number of staff to assign to

this consumer. In the example below we have chosen Rednose, Rudolf but we could also have

chose Richelieu, Cardinal as well if he was assigned to this consumer. Click “Submit” (white
button) when you have checked off all applicable staff names.

The assigned staff will now appear listed in the consumer’s chart whenever the “CFC Staff Member” tab is clicked (blue circle below). We have now completed the prerequisite set-up steps on the FSL provider application and CFC staff can now log into the direct care platform and create service delivery logs.