Log into the Direct Care application and hover over the CFC Log tab (red ring). Next click “Service D/L” (green arrow).
When the window opens select the client’s name from the drop-down list, service delivery date, and time. Then chose place of service delivery and the number of consumers served as well as number of staff who delivered the service(s).
Next chose the service delivery group from the “Service Group” drop down menu (red arrow).
Once the Service Group has been chosen the “Service Item” drop down menu bar will show all the activities registered under that group type on the provider application (green arrow). Please note that you can chose more than one activity from each group at a time. Just click “Add” (red arrow) after checking all applicable activities off. Finally add any relevant text in the “Notes” box and click “Submit for Approval” when you are satisfied with your entries. The log will be automatically sent to the provider for review.
Service Delivery Logs that have already been created are visible in the Service Delivery Log tab of the client’s Focused Software electronic record. You can access them by logging into the direct care application and click on the name of the person for whom you view previous CFC or Transportation logs. This will open their medical chart, now click on the “Service Delivery Log” tab (green arrow). If they are pending, you can still make changes to the logs. Just click on the Pending icon (purple ring).
Clicking on the “Pending” icon will re-open the Log and allow editing. Make any needed changes and then scroll to the bottom of the window and click “Submit for Approval” (pink arrow).
Occasionally, Service Delivery Logs need to be modified to ensure they meet billing guidelines and appropriately document the activities of the day. If your provider has denied a service delivery log, you must modify the log before it is resubmitted for billing.
On the first page when you first log-in if any logs have been denied you will see them in the yellow highlighted bar listed in red (green arrow).
You can easily access the denied logs by clicking on the red text and it will show a list of all logs (red circle) submitted by you that have been denied. You can access the details of each specific denied log by clicking on the big “Denied” icon to its left (purple arrow).
You can also access denied logs from within the consumer’s chart – click on the “Service Delivery Log” tab and then click on the “DENIED” icon beside any log.
Your provider will have clearly stated their reason for denial in red at the top of the log (blue circle).
Read the reason for denial carefully and make the requested changes. (If you need clarification on the reasons for denial you may need to call your provider so that any changes you make will be acceptable.)
Scroll to the bottom of the window and click “Submit for Approval” once again when you are finished. Your log will automatically be sent to your provider for approval.