Adaptive Aids (AA) and Minor Home Modifications (MHM)
Entering AA/MHM Fees in client charts
AA/MHM can be recorded in each consumer’s chart. A summary report for all clients in a contract/branch for a specified time period can be generated. Recording an AA entry or an MHM entry in a consumer’s chart follows essentially the same format therefore in the following example we will use MHM.
To record an MHM entry, access the consumer’s chart from the provider side. Click on the ‘General Info’ tab (red circle). Then click on the ‘Minor Home Modifications’ tab (green circle) or the ‘Adaptive Aids’ (blue circle) if appropriate. Once the yellow bar new fees can be registered. Click on the “Add Fee” (purple arrow) to do so.
When the Adaptive Aids pop-up window appears fill out the necessary information. Copies of bids or appropriate documentation can be attached if required (green arrow). Multiple entries can be made using the same window by hitting ‘Save/New’ (blue arrow). When all entries are made for the client the ‘Save/Close’ button (red arrow) is clicked.
A list of all Adaptive Aids (green rectangle) will now be found under the yellow bar when the ‘Adaptive Aids’ tab is clicked.
The same can be seen for MHM fees registered (red rectangle).
Generating A Summary Sheet For Multiple Clients
To generate a summary sheet of all AA AND MHM client fees in each contract simply click on the ‘Company’ tab in the main menu bar (red circle). Next, click on the ‘MHM/AA Summary Sheet’ button (blue circle). When highlighted a yellow bar will appear. Click the “Add New Invoice” button (orange circle).
When the “Requisition Bill Manager” window opens choose the MHM/AA option from the ‘Type’ dropdown. In the ‘Date of Service’ window include a date that limits your search e.g. if a date of 1/31/2019 is put in then the system will search for all AA AND MHM client records including 1/31/2019 and prior. Next choose a ‘Contact’ whose name and signature will appear on the summary sheet. Now make sure that the “Requisition Items” tab is highlighted (red arrow). Once this is done check off the line items you wish to mark as billed and include on the requisition summary report. In the example just one has been checked off dated 1/1/2019 (green arrow). Don’t forget to “Save” (green button).
A list of reports will now appear below the yellow bar (green rectangle) when the MHM/AA Summary Sheet tab is clicked. Reports can be generated by clicking on the ‘Report’ button to the right of the line item (red arrows). Previously created reports can be edited or updated by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button (blue arrows) or date on the line item (orange arrows).
When you click ‘Edit’ and the window opens check that “Invoice/Bill Items” is highlighted (pink arrow). This shows the list of items that have been previously been included in a requisition report. If a mistake was made and you wish to remove an item, click ‘Remove’ (blue arrow). This will move the item back under the ‘Requisition Items’ tab (orange arrow).
To add more items to this summary report, click on the ‘Requisition Items’ tab (orange arrow) and check additional line items off. Below the first item dated 01/10/2019 has been checked off. Remember to hit the ‘Save’ button.
Now when the window is opened again and the ‘Invoice/Bill Items’ tab is clicked we see that the 01/01/2019 and the 01/10/2019 items are now listed (red arrows). Reports can also be generated from within the ‘Requisition Bill Manager’ window by clicking on the ‘View Report’ button (blue circle).
An example of a report is given below. Descriptions of MHM (blue arrow) are given in the left columns (red rectangle) and AA (pink arrow) on the right (green rectangle). The originator’s name and signature will be appended at the bottom. This can be attached to an email and set for reimbursement.