Summary reports of different logs and notes created in Focused can easily be generated by using the accounting feature. Log into the provider module then click on the “Reports” button (red circle). From the Reports list click on the “Accounting” tab (green arrow).
When the search fields appear to the right (red rectangle) of the tabs enter your required parameters. You can refine your report by:
•Date Range
•Service Type
•Log/Note status (i.e. approved, pending approval, billed etc.)
•The resulting notes/logs can be grouped by – client name, originating staff, service date or bill date. Please note that bill date is only relevant if you have used the Focused ‘Bill Notes and Logs’ feature to annotate when notes/logs were billed with an outside agency eg TMHP or Clearing House.
In the picture below, we have chosen to search for Foster logsthat have been marked ‘approved’ by the supervisor, with service dates between 01/01/18 – 05/27/18. I have chosen for the report to display logs as ‘grouped by’ Consumer/Individual. When you have entered your parameters hit “Submit” (blue arrow). A list of notes meeting the criteria entered will show below the “Reports” area (green rectangle). Depending on how wide your date search range is – we do not recommend searches over 2 weeks – you may have to scroll down to see the results.
Whatever parameters are chosen they must ‘agree’ for example:
•If you want to search by “Billed Date”, then the Status chosen must be “Billed”.
•If you have assigned a Director of Nursing (DON) or a Director of Psychology (DOP) to approve notes before they can be billed, then only logs that have gone through your predetermined approval process will appear under the “Approved” status.
Transportation currently does not generate as a report with this feature
Here is another example of a list of logs/notes grouped by ‘Date Billed’ (blue arrows). You can even conveniently approve/deny logs by client, originating staff member, or date of creation by clicking on the hyperlinked name of the client to the left of the specific log (red arrows below).
If you wish to export the list, click on the “Create CSV File” (pink arrow) just beside the Submit button click to generate the initial list.
A .CSV file will be generated (below); the same information can then be exported to Excel (second picture below), so it is easily readable. Exporting to Excel also enables sorting and other data manipulation options..