Medications can be documented as given, omitted. refused etc electronically using the Focused EHR. Staff can log into the system via any of the direct care modules and document the administration of OTC drugs by following the instructions given below.

Log into the direct care application where the consumer is registered (eg Day hab, CFC, group home, host home etc). From the main menu bar hover over the “Meds” tab (red circle) and then click on “Over The Counter Meds” button (yellow arrow).


When the dialog box opens fill out the appropriate fields and chose the consumer name and OTC medication from the drop down lists. Remember only the OTC medications already registered under the company tab in the provider application will show in the drop down menu. So if you do not see the OTC medication expected please call your supervisor and refer them to the “OTC Medication Registration” user guide for instructions on how to register OTC meds. 

Click the big green “Submit“ button when satisfied with the entry.


Now if we access the consumer’s chart by clicking on the consumer’s name from the direct care application Home page and then when their chart opens click on the “Over The Counter Medication Admin” tab (red arrow) we will see all of the dates and times that OTC medications have been documented for the consumer (green rectangle).