By one definition, a legacy has to do with money or property. It is the tangible inheritance of your heirs. Ensuring financial security for children and grandchildren is an important goal for most parents. When we consider great leaders, we think of legacies in terms of ideas, inspiration and cultural changes – how that leader’s existence changed the world.
As a provider of services for others, do you have a long-range plan to leave a legacy? How will your actions and decisions impact those who will follow in your footsteps? What do you want to leave behind?As you consider your legacy, please remember: We can’t control how other people perceive us. We can only control our own actions. When we set goals and then act upon them, we’re building our own legacies, piece by piece.
The CHALLENGE of today:
Set your goals in accordance with what you want to accomplish in order to leave the world better than you found it. Mahatma Gandhi advised, “BE the change you wish to see in the world.” Tavis Smiley summed it up this way: “The choices we make about the lives we live determine the kinds of legacies we leave.”
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